
Sempra Declares Common and Preferred Dividends

News dividends

Sempra announced that its board of directors has declared a quarterly dividend on the company's common stock and a semi-annual dividend on its preferred stock.

Benzinga • 05/09/2024 à 02:45:00
Adresse: 488 8TH AVENUE
Code postal: 92101
Region: CA
Numéro de telephone: (619) 696-2000
Site internet:
Status: Active
Info de l'entreprise

Sempra Energy serves one of the largest utility customer bases in the United States. It distributes natural gas and electricity in Southern California and owns 80% of Oncor, a transmission and distribution business in Texas. SoCalGas and San Diego Gas & Electric distribute gas to more than 20 million customers, while Oncor serves more than 10 million Texas customers. Sempra Infrastructure partners, of which Sempra holds a controlling ownership, owns and operates liquefied natural gas facilities in North America and infrastructure in Mexico.

Date de référencement1998-06-29
Echange principalXNYS
Composite figiBBG000C2ZCH8
Share Class figiBBG001SBVZ73
Market Cap51,981,276,338 USD
SIC Code4932
Total Employés16835
Share Class Shares Outstanding633150000
Weighted Shares Outstanding633145875
Round Lot100
Date de mise à jour2024-09-07
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Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2023-05-04 2023-08-03 2023-11-03 UNPUB
Assets 80,549,000,000 82,727,000,000 85,735,000,000 UNPUB
Current Assets 5,204,000,000 4,847,000,000 5,310,000,000 UNPUB
Current Liabilities 9,630,000,000 8,451,000,000 8,765,000,000 UNPUB
Equity 30,245,000,000 31,014,000,000 33,258,000,000 UNPUB
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 2,578,000,000 3,178,000,000 5,020,000,000 UNPUB
Equity Attributable To Parent 27,667,000,000 27,836,000,000 28,238,000,000 UNPUB
Liabilities 50,304,000,000 51,713,000,000 52,477,000,000 UNPUB
Liabilities And Equity 80,549,000,000 82,727,000,000 85,735,000,000 UNPUB
Noncurrent Assets 75,345,000,000 77,880,000,000 80,425,000,000 UNPUB
Noncurrent Liabilities 40,674,000,000 43,262,000,000 43,712,000,000 UNPUB
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2023-05-04 2023-08-03 2023-11-03 UNPUB
Exchange Gains/Losses 5,000,000 2,000,000 -1,000,000 UNPUB
Net Cash Flow 241,000,000 539,000,000 249,000,000 UNPUB
Net Cash Flow, Continuing 236,000,000 537,000,000 250,000,000 UNPUB
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities 151,000,000 1,306,000,000 741,000,000 UNPUB
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing 151,000,000 1,306,000,000 741,000,000 UNPUB
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -1,895,000,000 -2,526,000,000 -1,883,000,000 UNPUB
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing -1,895,000,000 -2,526,000,000 -1,883,000,000 UNPUB
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 1,980,000,000 1,757,000,000 1,392,000,000 UNPUB
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing 1,980,000,000 1,757,000,000 1,392,000,000 UNPUB
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2023-05-04 2023-08-03 2023-11-03 UNPUB
Comprehensive Income/Loss UNPUB 852,000,000 1,163,000,000 UNPUB
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest UNPUB 0 0 UNPUB
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent UNPUB 852,000,000 1,163,000,000 UNPUB
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss -93,000,000 117,000,000 309,000,000 UNPUB
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent -47,000,000 61,000,000 61,000,000 UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2023-05-04 2023-08-03 2023-11-03 UNPUB
Basic Earnings Per Share 3 2 1 UNPUB
Benefits Costs and Expenses 5,099,000,000 2,659,000,000 2,878,000,000 UNPUB
Costs And Expenses 5,099,000,000 2,659,000,000 2,878,000,000 UNPUB
Diluted Earnings Per Share 3 2 1 UNPUB
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax 1,085,000,000 501,000,000 508,000,000 UNPUB
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax 1,461,000,000 676,000,000 456,000,000 UNPUB
Income Tax Expense/Benefit 376,000,000 175,000,000 -52,000,000 UNPUB
Interest Expense, Operating 366,000,000 317,000,000 312,000,000 UNPUB
Net Income/Loss 1,172,000,000 736,000,000 854,000,000 UNPUB
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 192,000,000 121,000,000 122,000,000 UNPUB
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 969,000,000 615,000,000 721,000,000 UNPUB
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic 969,000,000 603,000,000 721,000,000 UNPUB
Operating Expenses 5,099,000,000 2,659,000,000 2,878,000,000 UNPUB
Operating Income/Loss 1,461,000,000 676,000,000 456,000,000 UNPUB
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic 0 1,000,000 0 UNPUB
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments 0 1,000,000 0 UNPUB
Revenues 6,560,000,000 3,335,000,000 3,334,000,000 UNPUB
Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2022-05-05 2022-08-04 2022-11-03 2023-02-28
Assets 74,922,000,000 75,582,000,000 75,563,000,000 78,574,000,000
Current Assets 6,501,000,000 5,902,000,000 4,465,000,000 5,912,000,000
Current Liabilities 9,000,000,000 7,550,000,000 7,836,000,000 9,899,000,000
Equity 27,560,000,000 29,053,000,000 29,289,000,000 29,256,000,000
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 2,259,000,000 2,141,000,000
Equity Attributable To Parent 26,114,000,000 26,841,000,000 27,030,000,000 27,115,000,000
Liabilities -27,560,000,000 -29,053,000,000 46,274,000,000 49,318,000,000
Liabilities And Equity 74,922,000,000 75,582,000,000 75,563,000,000 78,574,000,000
Noncurrent Assets 68,421,000,000 69,680,000,000 71,098,000,000 72,662,000,000
Noncurrent Liabilities 0 0 38,438,000,000 39,419,000,000
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2022-05-05 2022-08-04 2022-11-03 2023-02-28
Exchange Gains/Losses 0 -2,000,000 -1,000,000 -1,000,000
Net Cash Flow 1,955,000,000 -443,000,000 -1,307,000,000 -119,000,000
Net Cash Flow, Continuing 1,955,000,000 -441,000,000 -1,306,000,000 -118,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities 1,638,000,000 47,000,000 251,000,000 3,779,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing 1,638,000,000 47,000,000 251,000,000 3,779,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -1,290,000,000 -1,245,000,000 -648,000,000 -5,039,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing -1,290,000,000 -1,245,000,000 -648,000,000 -5,039,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 1,607,000,000 757,000,000 -909,000,000 1,142,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing 1,607,000,000 757,000,000 -909,000,000 1,142,000,000
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2022-05-05 2022-08-04 2022-11-03 2023-02-28
Comprehensive Income/Loss 767,000,000 726,000,000 628,000,000 UNPUB
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 0 UNPUB
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 767,000,000 726,000,000 628,000,000 UNPUB
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss 110,000,000 68,000,000 67,000,000 228,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 89,000,000 UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2022-05-05 2022-08-04 2022-11-03 2023-02-28
Basic Earnings Per Share 2 2 2 7
Benefits Costs and Expenses 3,012,000,000 3,024,000,000 3,318,000,000 12,430,000,000
Costs And Expenses 3,012,000,000 3,024,000,000 3,318,000,000 12,430,000,000
Diluted Earnings Per Share 2 2 2 7
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax 474,000,000 443,000,000 278,000,000 2,285,000,000
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax 808,000,000 523,000,000 299,000,000 2,009,000,000
Income Tax Expense/Benefit 334,000,000 80,000,000 21,000,000 556,000,000
Interest Expense, Operating 243,000,000 271,000,000 282,000,000 1,054,000,000
Net Income/Loss 657,000,000 659,000,000 561,000,000 2,285,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 34,000,000 88,000,000 65,000,000 146,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 612,000,000 571,000,000 485,000,000 2,139,000,000
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic 612,000,000 559,000,000 485,000,000 2,094,000,000
Operating Expenses 3,012,000,000 3,024,000,000 3,318,000,000 12,430,000,000
Operating Income/Loss 808,000,000 523,000,000 299,000,000 2,009,000,000
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
Revenues 3,820,000,000 3,547,000,000 3,617,000,000 14,439,000,000
Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2021-05-05 2021-08-05 2021-11-05 2022-02-25
Assets 67,821,000,000 68,608,000,000 70,472,000,000 72,045,000,000
Current Assets 4,200,000,000 3,760,000,000 4,593,000,000 4,375,000,000
Current Liabilities 6,875,000,000 7,312,000,000 12,944,000,000 10,035,000,000
Equity 25,608,000,000 25,692,000,000 24,604,000,000 27,419,000,000
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 50,000,000 1,438,000,000
Equity Attributable To Parent 23,999,000,000 25,451,000,000 24,554,000,000 25,981,000,000
Liabilities -25,608,000,000 -25,692,000,000 45,868,000,000 44,626,000,000
Liabilities And Equity 67,821,000,000 68,608,000,000 70,472,000,000 72,045,000,000
Noncurrent Assets 63,621,000,000 64,848,000,000 65,879,000,000 67,670,000,000
Noncurrent Liabilities 0 0 32,924,000,000 34,591,000,000
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2021-05-05 2021-08-05 2021-11-05 2022-02-25
Exchange Gains/Losses -1,000,000 2,000,000 -1,000,000 2,000,000
Net Cash Flow -207,000,000 -407,000,000 536,000,000 -404,000,000
Net Cash Flow, Continuing -206,000,000 -409,000,000 537,000,000 -406,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities -407,000,000 125,000,000 679,000,000 1,260,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing -407,000,000 125,000,000 679,000,000 1,260,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -1,301,000,000 -1,287,000,000 -868,000,000 -5,508,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing -1,301,000,000 -1,287,000,000 -868,000,000 -5,508,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 1,502,000,000 753,000,000 726,000,000 3,842,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing 1,502,000,000 753,000,000 726,000,000 3,842,000,000
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2021-05-05 2021-08-05 2021-11-05 2022-02-25
Comprehensive Income/Loss UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss 115,000,000 -12,000,000 18,000,000 171,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 101,000,000 UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2021-05-05 2021-08-05 2021-11-05 2022-02-25
Basic Earnings Per Share 3 1 -2 4
Benefits Costs and Expenses 2,356,000,000 2,275,000,000 4,241,000,000 12,024,000,000
Costs And Expenses 2,356,000,000 2,275,000,000 4,241,000,000 12,024,000,000
Diluted Earnings Per Share 3 1 -2 4
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax 928,000,000 455,000,000 -632,000,000 1,463,000,000
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax 903,000,000 466,000,000 -1,228,000,000 833,000,000
Income Tax Expense/Benefit 158,000,000 139,000,000 -342,000,000 99,000,000
Interest Expense, Operating 259,000,000 258,000,000 259,000,000 1,198,000,000
Net Income/Loss 928,000,000 455,000,000 -632,000,000 1,463,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 33,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 145,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 874,000,000 445,000,000 -648,000,000 1,318,000,000
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic 874,000,000 424,000,000 -648,000,000 1,254,000,000
Operating Expenses 2,356,000,000 2,275,000,000 4,241,000,000 12,024,000,000
Operating Income/Loss 903,000,000 466,000,000 -1,228,000,000 833,000,000
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
Revenues 3,259,000,000 2,741,000,000 3,013,000,000 12,857,000,000
Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2020-05-04 2020-08-05 2020-11-05 2021-02-25
Assets 68,293,000,000 68,385,000,000 67,222,000,000 66,623,000,000
Current Assets 5,424,000,000 7,640,000,000 6,394,000,000 4,511,000,000
Current Liabilities 12,177,000,000 9,595,000,000 7,635,000,000 6,839,000,000
Equity 22,115,000,000 25,386,000,000 24,856,000,000 24,934,000,000
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 1,628,000,000 1,561,000,000
Equity Attributable To Parent 20,117,000,000 23,606,000,000 23,228,000,000 23,373,000,000
Liabilities -22,115,000,000 -25,386,000,000 42,366,000,000 41,689,000,000
Liabilities And Equity 68,293,000,000 68,385,000,000 67,222,000,000 66,623,000,000
Noncurrent Assets 62,869,000,000 60,745,000,000 60,828,000,000 62,112,000,000
Noncurrent Liabilities 0 0 34,731,000,000 34,850,000,000
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2020-05-04 2020-08-05 2020-11-05 2021-02-25
Exchange Gains/Losses -6,000,000 -1,000,000 5,000,000 0
Net Cash Flow 2,245,000,000 2,471,000,000 -1,384,000,000 771,000,000
Net Cash Flow, Continuing 2,137,000,000 -1,969,000,000 -1,370,000,000 -3,750,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities 2,114,000,000 -1,272,000,000 -1,552,000,000 -2,373,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing 2,003,000,000 -1,562,000,000 -1,552,000,000 -2,774,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -1,181,000,000 4,035,000,000 -439,000,000 553,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing -1,116,000,000 -1,225,000,000 -430,000,000 -4,618,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 1,318,000,000 -291,000,000 602,000,000 2,591,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing 1,250,000,000 818,000,000 612,000,000 3,642,000,000
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2020-05-04 2020-08-05 2020-11-05 2021-02-25
Comprehensive Income/Loss 947,000,000 2,305,000,000 421,000,000 4,105,000,000
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 0 0
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 947,000,000 2,305,000,000 421,000,000 4,105,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss -283,000,000 651,000,000 38,000,000 422,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent -251,000,000 648,000,000 29,000,000 UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2020-05-04 2020-08-05 2020-11-05 2021-02-25
Basic Earnings Per Share 3 8 1 13
Benefits Costs and Expenses 2,162,000,000 1,998,000,000 2,216,000,000 9,587,000,000
Costs And Expenses 2,162,000,000 1,998,000,000 2,216,000,000 9,587,000,000
Diluted Earnings Per Share 3 8 1 13
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax 867,000,000 528,000,000 428,000,000 2,255,000,000
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax 354,000,000 547,000,000 318,000,000 1,783,000,000
Income Tax Expense/Benefit -207,000,000 168,000,000 99,000,000 249,000,000
Interest Expense, Operating 280,000,000 274,000,000 264,000,000 1,081,000,000
Net Income/Loss 947,000,000 2,305,000,000 421,000,000 4,105,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 151,000,000 28,000,000 22,000,000 172,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 760,000,000 2,239,000,000 351,000,000 3,933,000,000
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic 760,000,000 2,239,000,000 351,000,000 3,764,000,000
Operating Expenses 2,162,000,000 1,998,000,000 2,216,000,000 9,587,000,000
Operating Income/Loss 867,000,000 528,000,000 428,000,000 1,783,000,000
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic 0 0 0 1,000,000
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
Revenues 3,029,000,000 2,526,000,000 2,644,000,000 11,370,000,000
Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2019-05-07 2019-08-02 2019-11-01 2020-02-27
Assets 61,618,000,000 62,727,000,000 64,585,000,000 65,665,000,000
Current Assets 3,262,000,000 2,783,000,000 3,666,000,000 3,339,000,000
Current Liabilities 8,612,000,000 8,177,000,000 9,498,000,000 9,150,000,000
Equity 19,470,000,000 19,434,000,000 20,551,000,000 21,805,000,000
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 1,931,000,000 1,876,000,000
Equity Attributable To Parent 17,346,000,000 17,440,000,000 18,620,000,000 19,929,000,000
Liabilities -19,470,000,000 -19,434,000,000 44,034,000,000 43,860,000,000
Liabilities And Equity 61,618,000,000 62,727,000,000 64,585,000,000 65,665,000,000
Noncurrent Assets 58,356,000,000 59,944,000,000 60,919,000,000 62,326,000,000
Noncurrent Liabilities 0 0 34,536,000,000 34,710,000,000
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2019-05-07 2019-08-02 2019-11-01 2020-02-27
Exchange Gains/Losses 0 0 0 0
Net Cash Flow -40,000,000 88,000,000 206,000,000 -30,000,000
Net Cash Flow, Continuing -18,000,000 99,000,000 -102,000,000 -16,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities -381,000,000 992,000,000 964,000,000 1,475,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing -336,000,000 1,030,000,000 832,000,000 1,867,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -610,000,000 -1,657,000,000 -1,172,000,000 -4,593,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing -540,000,000 -1,596,000,000 -1,240,000,000 -4,581,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 951,000,000 753,000,000 414,000,000 3,088,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing 858,000,000 665,000,000 306,000,000 2,698,000,000
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2019-05-07 2019-08-02 2019-11-01 2020-02-27
Comprehensive Income/Loss 518,000,000 435,000,000 909,000,000 2,362,000,000
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 0 0
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 518,000,000 435,000,000 909,000,000 2,362,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss -11,000,000 -37,000,000 -142,000,000 -140,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent UNPUB UNPUB -130,000,000 UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2019-05-07 2019-08-02 2019-11-01 2020-02-27
Basic Earnings Per Share 0 0 1 7
Benefits Costs and Expenses 2,338,000,000 1,873,000,000 2,105,000,000 9,065,000,000
Costs And Expenses 2,338,000,000 1,873,000,000 2,105,000,000 9,065,000,000
Diluted Earnings Per Share 0 0 1 7
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax 560,000,000 357,000,000 653,000,000 1,999,000,000
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax 506,000,000 288,000,000 465,000,000 1,764,000,000
Income Tax Expense/Benefit 42,000,000 47,000,000 61,000,000 315,000,000
Interest Expense, Operating 260,000,000 258,000,000 279,000,000 1,077,000,000
Net Income/Loss 518,000,000 435,000,000 909,000,000 2,362,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 41,000,000 45,000,000 60,000,000 164,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 441,000,000 354,000,000 813,000,000 2,198,000,000
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic 441,000,000 354,000,000 813,000,000 2,055,000,000
Operating Expenses 2,338,000,000 1,873,000,000 2,105,000,000 9,065,000,000
Operating Income/Loss 560,000,000 357,000,000 653,000,000 1,764,000,000
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic 0 0 0 1,000,000
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
Revenues 2,898,000,000 2,230,000,000 2,758,000,000 10,829,000,000
Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2018-05-07 2018-08-06 2018-11-07 2019-02-26
Assets 60,485,000,000 59,907,000,000 60,605,000,000 60,638,000,000
Current Assets 3,394,000,000 4,947,000,000 5,045,000,000 3,645,000,000
Current Liabilities 9,109,000,000 8,602,000,000 8,491,000,000 7,523,000,000
Equity 18,305,000,000 18,364,000,000 19,111,000,000 19,248,000,000
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 2,461,000,000 0 2,494,000,000 2,110,000,000
Equity Attributable To Parent 15,844,000,000 15,826,000,000 16,617,000,000 17,138,000,000
Liabilities 42,180,000,000 -18,364,000,000 41,494,000,000 41,390,000,000
Liabilities And Equity 60,485,000,000 59,907,000,000 60,605,000,000 60,638,000,000
Noncurrent Assets 57,091,000,000 54,960,000,000 55,560,000,000 56,993,000,000
Noncurrent Liabilities 33,071,000,000 0 33,003,000,000 33,867,000,000
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2018-05-07 2018-08-06 2018-11-07 2019-02-26
Exchange Gains/Losses 1,000,000 -4,000,000 -5,000,000 -14,000,000
Net Cash Flow -57,000,000 20,000,000 -39,000,000 -118,000,000
Net Cash Flow, Continuing -58,000,000 24,000,000 -34,000,000 -104,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities 9,608,000,000 469,000,000 -32,000,000 9,006,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing 9,608,000,000 469,000,000 -32,000,000 9,006,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -10,632,000,000 -1,108,000,000 -964,000,000 -12,557,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing -10,632,000,000 -1,108,000,000 -964,000,000 -12,557,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 966,000,000 663,000,000 962,000,000 3,447,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing 966,000,000 663,000,000 962,000,000 3,447,000,000
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2018-05-07 2018-08-06 2018-11-07 2019-02-26
Comprehensive Income/Loss 358,000,000 -530,000,000 334,000,000 1,126,000,000
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 0 0
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 358,000,000 -530,000,000 334,000,000 1,126,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss 0 0 -9,000,000 -133,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2018-05-07 2018-08-06 2018-11-07 2019-02-26
Basic Earnings Per Share 1 -2 1 3
Benefits Costs and Expenses 2,604,000,000 3,094,000,000 2,606,000,000 10,877,000,000
Cost Of Revenue 348,000,000 UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Costs And Expenses 2,604,000,000 3,094,000,000 2,606,000,000 10,877,000,000
Diluted Earnings Per Share 1 -2 1 3
Gross Profit 2,614,000,000 UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax 358,000,000 -530,000,000 334,000,000 714,000,000
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax 672,000,000 -1,298,000,000 375,000,000 810,000,000
Income Tax Expense/Benefit 289,000,000 -583,000,000 167,000,000 96,000,000
Interest Expense, Operating 216,000,000 237,000,000 232,000,000 925,000,000
Net Income/Loss 358,000,000 -530,000,000 334,000,000 1,126,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest -17,000,000 5,000,000 24,000,000 76,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 347,000,000 -561,000,000 274,000,000 1,050,000,000
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic 347,000,000 -561,000,000 274,000,000 924,000,000
Operating Expenses 2,604,000,000 3,094,000,000 2,606,000,000 10,877,000,000
Operating Income/Loss 358,000,000 -530,000,000 334,000,000 810,000,000
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic 0 0 0 1,000,000
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments 0 0 0 1,000,000
Revenues 2,962,000,000 2,564,000,000 2,940,000,000 11,687,000,000
Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2017-05-09 2017-08-04 2017-10-30 2018-02-27
Assets 48,284,000,000 49,376,000,000 50,129,000,000 50,454,000,000
Current Assets 2,953,000,000 2,767,000,000 2,878,000,000 3,341,000,000
Current Liabilities 5,812,000,000 6,063,000,000 7,194,000,000 6,635,000,000
Equity 15,569,000,000 15,605,000,000 15,502,000,000 15,140,000,000
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 2,305,000,000 2,273,000,000 2,237,000,000 2,450,000,000
Equity Attributable To Parent 13,264,000,000 13,332,000,000 13,265,000,000 12,670,000,000
Liabilities 32,715,000,000 33,771,000,000 34,627,000,000 35,314,000,000
Liabilities And Equity 48,284,000,000 49,376,000,000 50,129,000,000 50,454,000,000
Noncurrent Assets 45,331,000,000 46,609,000,000 47,251,000,000 47,113,000,000
Noncurrent Liabilities 26,903,000,000 27,708,000,000 27,433,000,000 28,679,000,000
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2017-05-09 2017-08-04 2017-10-30 2018-02-27
Exchange Gains/Losses 9,000,000 -1,000,000 1,000,000 7,000,000
Net Cash Flow -59,000,000 -67,000,000 -34,000,000 -61,000,000
Net Cash Flow, Continuing -68,000,000 -66,000,000 -35,000,000 -68,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities -46,000,000 90,000,000 337,000,000 1,007,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing -46,000,000 90,000,000 337,000,000 1,007,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -1,026,000,000 -1,041,000,000 -1,193,000,000 -4,700,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing -1,026,000,000 -1,041,000,000 -1,193,000,000 -4,700,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 1,004,000,000 885,000,000 821,000,000 3,625,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing 1,004,000,000 885,000,000 821,000,000 3,625,000,000
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2017-05-09 2017-08-04 2017-10-30 2018-02-27
Comprehensive Income/Loss 441,000,000 259,000,000 57,000,000 256,000,000
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 0 0
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 441,000,000 259,000,000 57,000,000 256,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss 0 0 0 142,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 52,000,000 -22,000,000 40,000,000 UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2017-05-09 2017-08-04 2017-10-30 2018-02-27
Basic Earnings Per Share 2 1 0 1
Benefits Costs and Expenses 0 0 0 9,622,000,000
Cost Of Revenue 485,000,000 228,000,000 190,000,000 UNPUB
Costs And Expenses 0 0 0 9,622,000,000
Diluted Earnings Per Share 2 1 0 1
Gross Profit 2,546,000,000 2,305,000,000 2,489,000,000 UNPUB
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax 441,000,000 259,000,000 57,000,000 309,000,000
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax 755,000,000 415,000,000 15,000,000 1,585,000,000
Income Tax Expense/Benefit 295,000,000 167,000,000 -84,000,000 1,276,000,000
Interest Expense, Operating 169,000,000 159,000,000 165,000,000 659,000,000
Net Income/Loss 452,000,000 248,000,000 102,000,000 351,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 11,000,000 -12,000,000 45,000,000 94,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 441,000,000 259,000,000 57,000,000 256,000,000
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic 441,000,000 259,000,000 57,000,000 255,000,000
Operating Expenses 1,791,000,000 1,890,000,000 2,474,000,000 9,622,000,000
Operating Income/Loss 755,000,000 415,000,000 15,000,000 1,585,000,000
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic 0 0 0 1,000,000
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments 0 0 0 1,000,000
Revenues 3,031,000,000 2,533,000,000 2,679,000,000 11,207,000,000
Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2016-05-04 2016-08-04 2016-11-02 2017-02-28
Assets 41,835,000,000 42,875,000,000 45,526,000,000 47,786,000,000
Current Assets 2,883,000,000 3,341,000,000 2,924,000,000 3,110,000,000
Current Liabilities 5,132,000,000 5,680,000,000 6,794,000,000 5,927,000,000
Equity 12,724,000,000 12,563,000,000 13,191,000,000 15,241,000,000
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 758,000,000 762,000,000 845,000,000 2,270,000,000
Equity Attributable To Parent 11,946,000,000 11,781,000,000 12,346,000,000 12,951,000,000
Liabilities 29,111,000,000 30,312,000,000 32,335,000,000 32,545,000,000
Liabilities And Equity 41,835,000,000 42,875,000,000 45,526,000,000 47,786,000,000
Noncurrent Assets 38,952,000,000 39,534,000,000 42,602,000,000 44,676,000,000
Noncurrent Liabilities 23,979,000,000 24,632,000,000 25,541,000,000 26,618,000,000
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2016-05-04 2016-08-04 2016-11-02 2017-02-28
Exchange Gains/Losses 6,000,000 2,000,000 0 0
Net Cash Flow -27,000,000 240,000,000 -98,000,000 -54,000,000
Net Cash Flow, Continuing -33,000,000 238,000,000 -98,000,000 -54,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities 364,000,000 552,000,000 932,000,000 2,513,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing 364,000,000 552,000,000 932,000,000 2,513,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -989,000,000 -604,000,000 -1,839,000,000 -4,886,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing -989,000,000 -604,000,000 -1,839,000,000 -4,886,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 592,000,000 290,000,000 809,000,000 2,319,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing 592,000,000 290,000,000 809,000,000 2,319,000,000
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2016-05-04 2016-08-04 2016-11-02 2017-02-28
Comprehensive Income/Loss 353,000,000 16,000,000 622,000,000 1,370,000,000
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 0 0
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 353,000,000 16,000,000 622,000,000 1,370,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss 0 0 -13,000,000 52,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2016-05-04 2016-08-04 2016-11-02 2017-02-28
Basic Earnings Per Share 1 0 2 5
Benefits Costs and Expenses 0 0 0 8,353,000,000
Cost Of Revenue 311,000,000 183,000,000 208,000,000 UNPUB
Costs And Expenses 0 0 0 8,353,000,000
Diluted Earnings Per Share 1 0 2 5
Gross Profit 2,311,000,000 1,973,000,000 2,327,000,000 UNPUB
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax 353,000,000 16,000,000 622,000,000 1,441,000,000
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax 455,000,000 -112,000,000 982,000,000 1,830,000,000
Income Tax Expense/Benefit 142,000,000 -106,000,000 282,000,000 389,000,000
Interest Expense, Operating 143,000,000 142,000,000 136,000,000 553,000,000
Net Income/Loss 330,000,000 27,000,000 719,000,000 1,519,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 11,000,000 10,000,000 97,000,000 148,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 353,000,000 16,000,000 622,000,000 1,370,000,000
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic 353,000,000 16,000,000 622,000,000 1,369,000,000
Operating Expenses 1,856,000,000 2,085,000,000 1,345,000,000 8,353,000,000
Operating Income/Loss 455,000,000 -112,000,000 982,000,000 1,830,000,000
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic 0 0 0 1,000,000
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
Revenues 2,622,000,000 2,156,000,000 2,535,000,000 10,183,000,000
Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2015-05-05 2015-08-04 2015-11-03 2016-02-26
Assets 39,551,000,000 40,006,000,000 40,566,000,000 41,150,000,000
Current Assets 3,656,000,000 3,506,000,000 3,606,000,000 2,891,000,000
Current Liabilities 3,770,000,000 4,399,000,000 5,118,000,000 4,612,000,000
Equity 12,281,000,000 12,475,000,000 12,396,000,000 12,579,000,000
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 757,000,000 772,000,000 751,000,000 750,000,000
Equity Attributable To Parent 11,504,000,000 11,683,000,000 11,625,000,000 11,809,000,000
Liabilities 27,270,000,000 27,531,000,000 28,170,000,000 28,571,000,000
Liabilities And Equity 39,551,000,000 40,006,000,000 40,566,000,000 41,150,000,000
Noncurrent Assets 35,895,000,000 36,500,000,000 36,960,000,000 38,259,000,000
Noncurrent Liabilities 23,500,000,000 23,132,000,000 23,052,000,000 23,959,000,000
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2015-05-05 2015-08-04 2015-11-03 2016-02-26
Exchange Gains/Losses -3,000,000 1,000,000 -10,000,000 -14,000,000
Net Cash Flow -193,000,000 259,000,000 61,000,000 -167,000,000
Net Cash Flow, Continuing -190,000,000 258,000,000 71,000,000 -153,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities -231,000,000 281,000,000 -21,000,000 -173,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing -231,000,000 281,000,000 -21,000,000 -173,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -770,000,000 -431,000,000 -778,000,000 -2,885,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing -770,000,000 -431,000,000 -778,000,000 -2,885,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 811,000,000 408,000,000 870,000,000 2,905,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing 811,000,000 408,000,000 870,000,000 2,905,000,000
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2015-05-05 2015-08-04 2015-11-03 2016-02-26
Comprehensive Income/Loss 437,000,000 295,000,000 248,000,000 1,349,000,000
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 0 0
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 437,000,000 295,000,000 248,000,000 1,349,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss 0 0 0 -334,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2015-05-05 2015-08-04 2015-11-03 2016-02-26
Basic Earnings Per Share 2 1 1 5
Benefits Costs and Expenses 0 0 0 8,527,000,000
Cost Of Revenue 346,000,000 239,000,000 201,000,000 UNPUB
Costs And Expenses 0 0 0 8,527,000,000
Diluted Earnings Per Share 2 1 1 5
Gross Profit 2,336,000,000 2,128,000,000 2,280,000,000 UNPUB
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax 437,000,000 295,000,000 248,000,000 1,363,000,000
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax 606,000,000 396,000,000 270,000,000 1,704,000,000
Income Tax Expense/Benefit 163,000,000 98,000,000 15,000,000 341,000,000
Interest Expense, Operating 134,000,000 139,000,000 143,000,000 561,000,000
Net Income/Loss 458,000,000 320,000,000 282,000,000 1,448,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 21,000,000 24,000,000 34,000,000 98,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 437,000,000 295,000,000 248,000,000 1,349,000,000
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic 437,000,000 295,000,000 248,000,000 1,348,000,000
Operating Expenses 1,730,000,000 1,732,000,000 2,010,000,000 8,527,000,000
Operating Income/Loss 606,000,000 396,000,000 270,000,000 1,704,000,000
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic 0 0 0 1,000,000
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
Revenues 2,682,000,000 2,367,000,000 2,481,000,000 10,231,000,000
Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2014-05-02 2014-08-07 2014-11-04 2015-02-26
Assets 37,484,000,000 38,307,000,000 38,982,000,000 39,732,000,000
Current Assets 4,224,000,000 4,195,000,000 4,414,000,000 4,184,000,000
Current Liabilities 3,875,000,000 3,882,000,000 4,292,000,000 5,069,000,000
Equity 11,889,000,000 12,051,000,000 12,157,000,000 12,100,000,000
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 829,000,000 837,000,000 804,000,000 754,000,000
Equity Attributable To Parent 11,040,000,000 11,194,000,000 11,333,000,000 11,326,000,000
Liabilities 25,595,000,000 26,256,000,000 26,825,000,000 27,632,000,000
Liabilities And Equity 37,484,000,000 38,307,000,000 38,982,000,000 39,732,000,000
Noncurrent Assets 33,260,000,000 34,112,000,000 34,568,000,000 35,548,000,000
Noncurrent Liabilities 21,720,000,000 22,374,000,000 22,533,000,000 22,563,000,000
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2014-05-02 2014-08-07 2014-11-04 2015-02-26
Exchange Gains/Losses -1,000,000 1,000,000 -4,000,000 -7,000,000
Net Cash Flow -60,000,000 -55,000,000 -122,000,000 -334,000,000
Net Cash Flow, Continuing -59,000,000 -56,000,000 -118,000,000 -327,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities -193,000,000 665,000,000 100,000,000 854,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing -193,000,000 665,000,000 100,000,000 854,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -770,000,000 -851,000,000 -845,000,000 -3,342,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing -770,000,000 -851,000,000 -845,000,000 -3,342,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 904,000,000 130,000,000 627,000,000 2,161,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing 904,000,000 130,000,000 627,000,000 2,161,000,000
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2014-05-02 2014-08-07 2014-11-04 2015-02-26
Comprehensive Income/Loss 247,000,000 269,000,000 348,000,000 1,161,000,000
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 0 0
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 247,000,000 269,000,000 348,000,000 1,161,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss -273,000,000 -273,000,000 -371,000,000 -290,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2014-05-02 2014-08-07 2014-11-04 2015-02-26
Basic Earnings Per Share 1 1 1 5
Benefits Costs and Expenses 0 0 0 9,511,000,000
Cost Of Revenue 620,000,000 395,000,000 293,000,000 UNPUB
Costs And Expenses 0 0 0 9,511,000,000
Diluted Earnings Per Share 1 1 1 5
Gross Profit 2,175,000,000 2,283,000,000 2,522,000,000 UNPUB
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax 247,000,000 269,000,000 348,000,000 1,224,000,000
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax 387,000,000 376,000,000 447,000,000 1,524,000,000
Income Tax Expense/Benefit 127,000,000 93,000,000 71,000,000 300,000,000
Interest Expense, Operating 136,000,000 138,000,000 144,000,000 554,000,000
Net Income/Loss 266,000,000 292,000,000 383,000,000 1,262,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 19,000,000 22,000,000 35,000,000 100,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 247,000,000 269,000,000 348,000,000 1,161,000,000
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic 247,000,000 269,000,000 348,000,000 1,160,000,000
Operating Expenses 2,408,000,000 1,907,000,000 2,075,000,000 9,511,000,000
Operating Income/Loss 387,000,000 376,000,000 447,000,000 1,524,000,000
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic 0 0 0 1,000,000
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
Revenues 2,795,000,000 2,678,000,000 2,815,000,000 11,035,000,000
Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2013-05-02 2013-08-06 2013-11-05 2014-02-27
Assets 37,273,000,000 37,020,000,000 36,901,000,000 37,244,000,000
Current Assets 4,123,000,000 3,661,000,000 3,712,000,000 3,997,000,000
Current Liabilities 5,189,000,000 4,725,000,000 4,530,000,000 4,369,000,000
Equity 11,261,000,000 11,548,000,000 11,754,000,000 11,850,000,000
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 818,000,000 824,000,000 825,000,000 822,000,000
Equity Attributable To Parent 10,423,000,000 10,704,000,000 10,909,000,000 11,008,000,000
Liabilities 26,012,000,000 25,472,000,000 25,147,000,000 25,394,000,000
Liabilities And Equity 37,273,000,000 37,020,000,000 36,901,000,000 37,244,000,000
Noncurrent Assets 33,150,000,000 33,359,000,000 33,189,000,000 33,247,000,000
Noncurrent Liabilities 20,823,000,000 20,747,000,000 20,617,000,000 21,025,000,000
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2013-05-02 2013-08-06 2013-11-05 2014-02-27
Exchange Gains/Losses 3,000,000 -6,000,000 UNPUB -4,000,000
Net Cash Flow 996,000,000 -517,000,000 UNPUB 429,000,000
Net Cash Flow, Continuing 993,000,000 -511,000,000 UNPUB 433,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities 320,000,000 -316,000,000 UNPUB 338,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing 320,000,000 -316,000,000 UNPUB 338,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities -162,000,000 -465,000,000 UNPUB -1,689,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing -162,000,000 -465,000,000 UNPUB -1,689,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 835,000,000 270,000,000 UNPUB 1,784,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing 835,000,000 270,000,000 UNPUB 1,784,000,000
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2013-05-02 2013-08-06 2013-11-05 2014-02-27
Comprehensive Income/Loss 174,000,000 419,000,000 296,000,000 1,198,000,000
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest 0 0 0 0
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 174,000,000 419,000,000 323,000,000 1,198,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss -2,000,000 153,000,000 2,000,000 140,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date 2013-05-02 2013-08-06 2013-11-05 2014-02-27
Basic Earnings Per Share 1 1 1 4
Benefits Costs and Expenses 2,298,000,000 2,353,000,000 0 9,127,000,000
Costs And Expenses 2,298,000,000 2,353,000,000 0 9,127,000,000
Diluted Earnings Per Share 1 1 1 4
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax 174,000,000 266,000,000 296,000,000 1,064,000,000
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax 352,000,000 298,000,000 432,000,000 1,430,000,000
Income Tax Expense/Benefit 178,000,000 32,000,000 117,000,000 366,000,000
Interest Expense, Operating 138,000,000 138,000,000 137,000,000 559,000,000
Net Income/Loss 178,000,000 267,000,000 323,000,000 1,088,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest -2,000,000 21,000,000 22,000,000 79,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent 178,000,000 245,000,000 296,000,000 1,001,000,000
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic 178,000,000 245,000,000 296,000,000 996,000,000
Operating Expenses 2,298,000,000 2,353,000,000 2,119,000,000 9,127,000,000
Operating Income/Loss 352,000,000 298,000,000 432,000,000 1,430,000,000
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic 0 0 0 5,000,000
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments 0 0 0 5,000,000
Revenues 2,650,000,000 2,651,000,000 2,551,000,000 10,557,000,000
Balance Sheet
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 2013-02-26
Assets UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 36,499,000,000
Current Assets UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 3,695,000,000
Current Liabilities UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 4,258,000,000
Equity UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 10,683,000,000
Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 381,000,000
Equity Attributable To Parent UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 10,282,000,000
Liabilities UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 25,816,000,000
Liabilities And Equity UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 36,499,000,000
Noncurrent Assets UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 32,804,000,000
Noncurrent Liabilities UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 21,558,000,000
Cash Flow Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 2013-02-26
Exchange Gains/Losses UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 8,000,000
Net Cash Flow UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 223,000,000
Net Cash Flow, Continuing UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 215,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 1,355,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 1,355,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB -3,158,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB -3,158,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 2,018,000,000
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 2,018,000,000
Comprehensive Income
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 2013-02-26
Comprehensive Income/Loss UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 1,037,000,000
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 0
Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 1,037,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 117,000,000
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB
Income Statement
LabelQuarter 1 (USD)Quarter 2 (USD)Quarter 3 (USD)Full Year (USD)
Filing date UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 2013-02-26
Basic Earnings Per Share UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 4
Benefits Costs and Expenses UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 8,704,000,000
Costs And Expenses UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 8,704,000,000
Diluted Earnings Per Share UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 3
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 884,000,000
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 943,000,000
Income Tax Expense/Benefit UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 59,000,000
Interest Expense, Operating UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 493,000,000
Net Income/Loss UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 920,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 55,000,000
Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 859,000,000
Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 853,000,000
Operating Expenses UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 8,704,000,000
Operating Income/Loss UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 943,000,000
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 6,000,000
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 6,000,000
Revenues UNPUB UNPUB UNPUB 9,647,000,000
Calendrier économique
6 Septembre 2024 (heure UTC) Actuel Précédent Consensus
United States
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United States
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United States
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United States
SEP 03
United States
SEP 03
United States
SEP 03
United States
SEP 03
United States
SEP 03
United States
SEP 03
United States
SEP 03
United States
SEP 03
United States
United States
United States
United States
Contract Type
Exercise Style
Share Per Contract
Strike Price
Primary Exchange
Expiration Date
O:SRE240719P00105000 OPASPS Put American 100 105 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00085000 OPASPS Put American 100 85 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00080000 OPASPS Put American 100 80 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00075000 OPASPS Put American 100 75 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00070000 OPASPS Put American 100 70 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00065000 OPASPS Put American 100 65 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00060000 OPASPS Put American 100 60 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00055000 OPASPS Put American 100 55 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00050000 OPASPS Put American 100 50 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00045000 OPASPS Put American 100 45 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719P00040000 OPASPS Put American 100 40 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00105000 OCASPS Call American 100 105 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00085000 OCASPS Call American 100 85 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00080000 OCASPS Call American 100 80 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00075000 OCASPS Call American 100 75 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00070000 OCASPS Call American 100 70 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00065000 OCASPS Call American 100 65 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00060000 OCASPS Call American 100 60 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00055000 OCASPS Call American 100 55 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00050000 OCASPS Call American 100 50 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00045000 OCASPS Call American 100 45 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240719C00040000 OCASPS Call American 100 40 BATO 2024-07-19
O:SRE240621P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00085000 OPASPS Put American 100 85 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00080000 OPASPS Put American 100 80 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00075000 OPASPS Put American 100 75 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00070000 OPASPS Put American 100 70 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00065000 OPASPS Put American 100 65 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00060000 OPASPS Put American 100 60 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00055000 OPASPS Put American 100 55 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00050000 OPASPS Put American 100 50 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00045000 OPASPS Put American 100 45 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00040000 OPASPS Put American 100 40 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621P00035000 OPASPS Put American 100 35 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00085000 OCASPS Call American 100 85 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00080000 OCASPS Call American 100 80 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00075000 OCASPS Call American 100 75 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00070000 OCASPS Call American 100 70 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00065000 OCASPS Call American 100 65 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00060000 OCASPS Call American 100 60 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00055000 OCASPS Call American 100 55 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00050000 OCASPS Call American 100 50 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00045000 OCASPS Call American 100 45 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00040000 OCASPS Call American 100 40 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240621C00035000 OCASPS Call American 100 35 BATO 2024-06-21
O:SRE240517C00105000 OCASPS Call American 100 105 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00085000 OCASPS Call American 100 85 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00080000 OCASPS Call American 100 80 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00075000 OCASPS Call American 100 75 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00070000 OCASPS Call American 100 70 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00065000 OCASPS Call American 100 65 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00060000 OCASPS Call American 100 60 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00055000 OCASPS Call American 100 55 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00050000 OCASPS Call American 100 50 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00045000 OCASPS Call American 100 45 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517C00040000 OCASPS Call American 100 40 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00105000 OPASPS Put American 100 105 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00085000 OPASPS Put American 100 85 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00080000 OPASPS Put American 100 80 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00075000 OPASPS Put American 100 75 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00070000 OPASPS Put American 100 70 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00065000 OPASPS Put American 100 65 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00060000 OPASPS Put American 100 60 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00055000 OPASPS Put American 100 55 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00050000 OPASPS Put American 100 50 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00045000 OPASPS Put American 100 45 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240517P00040000 OPASPS Put American 100 40 BATO 2024-05-17
O:SRE240419P00200000 OPASPS Put American 100 200 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00195000 OPASPS Put American 100 195 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00190000 OPASPS Put American 100 190 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00185000 OPASPS Put American 100 185 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00180000 OPASPS Put American 100 180 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00175000 OPASPS Put American 100 175 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00170000 OPASPS Put American 100 170 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00165000 OPASPS Put American 100 165 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00160000 OPASPS Put American 100 160 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00155000 OPASPS Put American 100 155 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00150000 OPASPS Put American 100 150 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00145000 OPASPS Put American 100 145 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00140000 OPASPS Put American 100 140 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00135000 OPASPS Put American 100 135 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00130000 OPASPS Put American 100 130 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00125000 OPASPS Put American 100 125 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00120000 OPASPS Put American 100 120 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00115000 OPASPS Put American 100 115 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00110000 OPASPS Put American 100 110 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00105000 OPASPS Put American 100 105 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00085000 OPASPS Put American 100 85 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00080000 OPASPS Put American 100 80 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00075000 OPASPS Put American 100 75 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00200000 OCASPS Call American 100 200 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00195000 OCASPS Call American 100 195 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00190000 OCASPS Call American 100 190 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00185000 OCASPS Call American 100 185 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00180000 OCASPS Call American 100 180 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00175000 OCASPS Call American 100 175 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00170000 OCASPS Call American 100 170 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00165000 OCASPS Call American 100 165 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00160000 OCASPS Call American 100 160 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00155000 OCASPS Call American 100 155 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00150000 OCASPS Call American 100 150 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00145000 OCASPS Call American 100 145 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00140000 OCASPS Call American 100 140 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00135000 OCASPS Call American 100 135 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00130000 OCASPS Call American 100 130 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00125000 OCASPS Call American 100 125 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00120000 OCASPS Call American 100 120 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00115000 OCASPS Call American 100 115 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00110000 OCASPS Call American 100 110 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00105000 OCASPS Call American 100 105 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00085000 OCASPS Call American 100 85 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00080000 OCASPS Call American 100 80 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00075000 OCASPS Call American 100 75 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00097500 OPASPS Put American 100 97.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00092500 OPASPS Put American 100 92.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00087500 OPASPS Put American 100 87.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00082500 OPASPS Put American 100 82.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00077500 OPASPS Put American 100 77.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00072500 OPASPS Put American 100 72.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00070000 OPASPS Put American 100 70 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00067500 OPASPS Put American 100 67.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00065000 OPASPS Put American 100 65 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00062500 OPASPS Put American 100 62.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00060000 OPASPS Put American 100 60 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00057500 OPASPS Put American 100 57.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00055000 OPASPS Put American 100 55 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00052500 OPASPS Put American 100 52.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00050000 OPASPS Put American 100 50 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00047500 OPASPS Put American 100 47.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00045000 OPASPS Put American 100 45 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00042500 OPASPS Put American 100 42.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00040000 OPASPS Put American 100 40 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419P00037500 OPASPS Put American 100 37.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00097500 OCASPS Call American 100 97.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00092500 OCASPS Call American 100 92.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00087500 OCASPS Call American 100 87.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00082500 OCASPS Call American 100 82.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00077500 OCASPS Call American 100 77.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00072500 OCASPS Call American 100 72.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00070000 OCASPS Call American 100 70 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00067500 OCASPS Call American 100 67.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00065000 OCASPS Call American 100 65 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00062500 OCASPS Call American 100 62.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00060000 OCASPS Call American 100 60 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00057500 OCASPS Call American 100 57.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00055000 OCASPS Call American 100 55 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00052500 OCASPS Call American 100 52.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00050000 OCASPS Call American 100 50 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00047500 OCASPS Call American 100 47.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00045000 OCASPS Call American 100 45 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00042500 OCASPS Call American 100 42.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00040000 OCASPS Call American 100 40 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240419C00037500 OCASPS Call American 100 37.5 BATO 2024-04-19
O:SRE240315P00110000 OPASPS Put American 100 110 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00105000 OPASPS Put American 100 105 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00085000 OPASPS Put American 100 85 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00080000 OPASPS Put American 100 80 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00075000 OPASPS Put American 100 75 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00070000 OPASPS Put American 100 70 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00065000 OPASPS Put American 100 65 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00060000 OPASPS Put American 100 60 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00055000 OPASPS Put American 100 55 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00050000 OPASPS Put American 100 50 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00045000 OPASPS Put American 100 45 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315P00040000 OPASPS Put American 100 40 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00110000 OCASPS Call American 100 110 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00105000 OCASPS Call American 100 105 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00085000 OCASPS Call American 100 85 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00080000 OCASPS Call American 100 80 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00075000 OCASPS Call American 100 75 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00070000 OCASPS Call American 100 70 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00065000 OCASPS Call American 100 65 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00060000 OCASPS Call American 100 60 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00055000 OCASPS Call American 100 55 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00050000 OCASPS Call American 100 50 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00045000 OCASPS Call American 100 45 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240315C00040000 OCASPS Call American 100 40 BATO 2024-03-15
O:SRE240216P00110000 OPASPS Put American 100 110 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00105000 OPASPS Put American 100 105 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00085000 OPASPS Put American 100 85 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00080000 OPASPS Put American 100 80 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00075000 OPASPS Put American 100 75 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00070000 OPASPS Put American 100 70 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00065000 OPASPS Put American 100 65 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00060000 OPASPS Put American 100 60 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00055000 OPASPS Put American 100 55 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00050000 OPASPS Put American 100 50 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00045000 OPASPS Put American 100 45 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216P00040000 OPASPS Put American 100 40 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00110000 OCASPS Call American 100 110 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00105000 OCASPS Call American 100 105 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00085000 OCASPS Call American 100 85 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00080000 OCASPS Call American 100 80 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00075000 OCASPS Call American 100 75 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00070000 OCASPS Call American 100 70 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00065000 OCASPS Call American 100 65 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00060000 OCASPS Call American 100 60 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00055000 OCASPS Call American 100 55 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00050000 OCASPS Call American 100 50 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00045000 OCASPS Call American 100 45 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240216C00040000 OCASPS Call American 100 40 BATO 2024-02-16
O:SRE240119P00097500 OPASPS Put American 100 97.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00092500 OPASPS Put American 100 92.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00087500 OPASPS Put American 100 87.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00082500 OPASPS Put American 100 82.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00077500 OPASPS Put American 100 77.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00072500 OPASPS Put American 100 72.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00067500 OPASPS Put American 100 67.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00062500 OPASPS Put American 100 62.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00060000 OPASPS Put American 100 60 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00057500 OPASPS Put American 100 57.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00055000 OPASPS Put American 100 55 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00052500 OPASPS Put American 100 52.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00050000 OPASPS Put American 100 50 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00047500 OPASPS Put American 100 47.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00045000 OPASPS Put American 100 45 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00042500 OPASPS Put American 100 42.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00040000 OPASPS Put American 100 40 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00037500 OPASPS Put American 100 37.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00035000 OPASPS Put American 100 35 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00032500 OPASPS Put American 100 32.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00097500 OCASPS Call American 100 97.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00092500 OCASPS Call American 100 92.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00087500 OCASPS Call American 100 87.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00082500 OCASPS Call American 100 82.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00077500 OCASPS Call American 100 77.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00072500 OCASPS Call American 100 72.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00067500 OCASPS Call American 100 67.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00250000 OPASPS Put American 100 250 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00062500 OCASPS Call American 100 62.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00240000 OPASPS Put American 100 240 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00230000 OPASPS Put American 100 230 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00220000 OPASPS Put American 100 220 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00060000 OCASPS Call American 100 60 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00210000 OPASPS Put American 100 210 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00200000 OPASPS Put American 100 200 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00195000 OPASPS Put American 100 195 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00057500 OCASPS Call American 100 57.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00190000 OPASPS Put American 100 190 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00185000 OPASPS Put American 100 185 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00055000 OCASPS Call American 100 55 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00180000 OPASPS Put American 100 180 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00175000 OPASPS Put American 100 175 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00170000 OPASPS Put American 100 170 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00052500 OCASPS Call American 100 52.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00165000 OPASPS Put American 100 165 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00160000 OPASPS Put American 100 160 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00155000 OPASPS Put American 100 155 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00050000 OCASPS Call American 100 50 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00150000 OPASPS Put American 100 150 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00145000 OPASPS Put American 100 145 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00140000 OPASPS Put American 100 140 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00135000 OPASPS Put American 100 135 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00047500 OCASPS Call American 100 47.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00130000 OPASPS Put American 100 130 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00125000 OPASPS Put American 100 125 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00045000 OCASPS Call American 100 45 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00120000 OPASPS Put American 100 120 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00115000 OPASPS Put American 100 115 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00042500 OCASPS Call American 100 42.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00110000 OPASPS Put American 100 110 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00105000 OPASPS Put American 100 105 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00040000 OCASPS Call American 100 40 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00037500 OCASPS Call American 100 37.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00085000 OPASPS Put American 100 85 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00035000 OCASPS Call American 100 35 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00080000 OPASPS Put American 100 80 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00075000 OPASPS Put American 100 75 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00032500 OCASPS Call American 100 32.5 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00070000 OPASPS Put American 100 70 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119P00065000 OPASPS Put American 100 65 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00250000 OCASPS Call American 100 250 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00240000 OCASPS Call American 100 240 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00230000 OCASPS Call American 100 230 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00220000 OCASPS Call American 100 220 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00210000 OCASPS Call American 100 210 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00200000 OCASPS Call American 100 200 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00195000 OCASPS Call American 100 195 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00190000 OCASPS Call American 100 190 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00185000 OCASPS Call American 100 185 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00180000 OCASPS Call American 100 180 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00175000 OCASPS Call American 100 175 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00170000 OCASPS Call American 100 170 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00165000 OCASPS Call American 100 165 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00160000 OCASPS Call American 100 160 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00155000 OCASPS Call American 100 155 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00150000 OCASPS Call American 100 150 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00145000 OCASPS Call American 100 145 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00140000 OCASPS Call American 100 140 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00135000 OCASPS Call American 100 135 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00130000 OCASPS Call American 100 130 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00125000 OCASPS Call American 100 125 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00120000 OCASPS Call American 100 120 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00115000 OCASPS Call American 100 115 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00110000 OCASPS Call American 100 110 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00105000 OCASPS Call American 100 105 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00085000 OCASPS Call American 100 85 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00080000 OCASPS Call American 100 80 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00075000 OCASPS Call American 100 75 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00070000 OCASPS Call American 100 70 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE240119C00065000 OCASPS Call American 100 65 BATO 2024-01-19
O:SRE231215P00105000 OPASPS Put American 100 105 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00085000 OPASPS Put American 100 85 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00080000 OPASPS Put American 100 80 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00075000 OPASPS Put American 100 75 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00070000 OPASPS Put American 100 70 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00065000 OPASPS Put American 100 65 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00060000 OPASPS Put American 100 60 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00055000 OPASPS Put American 100 55 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00050000 OPASPS Put American 100 50 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00045000 OPASPS Put American 100 45 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215P00040000 OPASPS Put American 100 40 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00105000 OCASPS Call American 100 105 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00085000 OCASPS Call American 100 85 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00080000 OCASPS Call American 100 80 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00075000 OCASPS Call American 100 75 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00070000 OCASPS Call American 100 70 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00065000 OCASPS Call American 100 65 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00060000 OCASPS Call American 100 60 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00055000 OCASPS Call American 100 55 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00050000 OCASPS Call American 100 50 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00045000 OCASPS Call American 100 45 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231215C00040000 OCASPS Call American 100 40 BATO 2023-12-15
O:SRE231117P00110000 OPASPS Put American 100 110 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00105000 OPASPS Put American 100 105 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00085000 OPASPS Put American 100 85 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00080000 OPASPS Put American 100 80 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00075000 OPASPS Put American 100 75 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00070000 OPASPS Put American 100 70 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00065000 OPASPS Put American 100 65 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00060000 OPASPS Put American 100 60 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00055000 OPASPS Put American 100 55 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00050000 OPASPS Put American 100 50 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00045000 OPASPS Put American 100 45 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117P00040000 OPASPS Put American 100 40 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00110000 OCASPS Call American 100 110 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00105000 OCASPS Call American 100 105 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00085000 OCASPS Call American 100 85 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00080000 OCASPS Call American 100 80 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00075000 OCASPS Call American 100 75 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00070000 OCASPS Call American 100 70 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00065000 OCASPS Call American 100 65 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00060000 OCASPS Call American 100 60 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00055000 OCASPS Call American 100 55 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00050000 OCASPS Call American 100 50 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00045000 OCASPS Call American 100 45 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231117C00040000 OCASPS Call American 100 40 BATO 2023-11-17
O:SRE231020P00230000 OPASPS Put American 100 230 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00220000 OPASPS Put American 100 220 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00210000 OPASPS Put American 100 210 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00200000 OPASPS Put American 100 200 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00195000 OPASPS Put American 100 195 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00190000 OPASPS Put American 100 190 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00185000 OPASPS Put American 100 185 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00180000 OPASPS Put American 100 180 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00175000 OPASPS Put American 100 175 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00170000 OPASPS Put American 100 170 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00097500 OPASPS Put American 100 97.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00165000 OPASPS Put American 100 165 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00092500 OPASPS Put American 100 92.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00160000 OPASPS Put American 100 160 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00087500 OPASPS Put American 100 87.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00155000 OPASPS Put American 100 155 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00150000 OPASPS Put American 100 150 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00082500 OPASPS Put American 100 82.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00145000 OPASPS Put American 100 145 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00140000 OPASPS Put American 100 140 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00077500 OPASPS Put American 100 77.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00135000 OPASPS Put American 100 135 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00072500 OPASPS Put American 100 72.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00130000 OPASPS Put American 100 130 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00070000 OPASPS Put American 100 70 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00125000 OPASPS Put American 100 125 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00067500 OPASPS Put American 100 67.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00120000 OPASPS Put American 100 120 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00065000 OPASPS Put American 100 65 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00115000 OPASPS Put American 100 115 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00062500 OPASPS Put American 100 62.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00110000 OPASPS Put American 100 110 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00060000 OPASPS Put American 100 60 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00105000 OPASPS Put American 100 105 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00057500 OPASPS Put American 100 57.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00055000 OPASPS Put American 100 55 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00052500 OPASPS Put American 100 52.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00050000 OPASPS Put American 100 50 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00085000 OPASPS Put American 100 85 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00047500 OPASPS Put American 100 47.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00080000 OPASPS Put American 100 80 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00045000 OPASPS Put American 100 45 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00075000 OPASPS Put American 100 75 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00042500 OPASPS Put American 100 42.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00230000 OCASPS Call American 100 230 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00040000 OPASPS Put American 100 40 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00220000 OCASPS Call American 100 220 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020P00037500 OPASPS Put American 100 37.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00210000 OCASPS Call American 100 210 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00097500 OCASPS Call American 100 97.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00200000 OCASPS Call American 100 200 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00092500 OCASPS Call American 100 92.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00195000 OCASPS Call American 100 195 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00190000 OCASPS Call American 100 190 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00087500 OCASPS Call American 100 87.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00185000 OCASPS Call American 100 185 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00180000 OCASPS Call American 100 180 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00082500 OCASPS Call American 100 82.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00175000 OCASPS Call American 100 175 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00170000 OCASPS Call American 100 170 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00077500 OCASPS Call American 100 77.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00165000 OCASPS Call American 100 165 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00072500 OCASPS Call American 100 72.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00160000 OCASPS Call American 100 160 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00070000 OCASPS Call American 100 70 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00155000 OCASPS Call American 100 155 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00067500 OCASPS Call American 100 67.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00150000 OCASPS Call American 100 150 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00065000 OCASPS Call American 100 65 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00145000 OCASPS Call American 100 145 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00062500 OCASPS Call American 100 62.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00140000 OCASPS Call American 100 140 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00060000 OCASPS Call American 100 60 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00135000 OCASPS Call American 100 135 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00057500 OCASPS Call American 100 57.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00130000 OCASPS Call American 100 130 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00055000 OCASPS Call American 100 55 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00125000 OCASPS Call American 100 125 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00052500 OCASPS Call American 100 52.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00120000 OCASPS Call American 100 120 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00050000 OCASPS Call American 100 50 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00115000 OCASPS Call American 100 115 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00047500 OCASPS Call American 100 47.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00110000 OCASPS Call American 100 110 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00045000 OCASPS Call American 100 45 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00105000 OCASPS Call American 100 105 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00042500 OCASPS Call American 100 42.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00040000 OCASPS Call American 100 40 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00037500 OCASPS Call American 100 37.5 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00085000 OCASPS Call American 100 85 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00080000 OCASPS Call American 100 80 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE231020C00075000 OCASPS Call American 100 75 BATO 2023-10-20
O:SRE230915P00200000 OPASPS Put American 100 200 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00195000 OPASPS Put American 100 195 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00190000 OPASPS Put American 100 190 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00185000 OPASPS Put American 100 185 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00180000 OPASPS Put American 100 180 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00175000 OPASPS Put American 100 175 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00170000 OPASPS Put American 100 170 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00165000 OPASPS Put American 100 165 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00160000 OPASPS Put American 100 160 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00155000 OPASPS Put American 100 155 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00150000 OPASPS Put American 100 150 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00145000 OPASPS Put American 100 145 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00140000 OPASPS Put American 100 140 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00135000 OPASPS Put American 100 135 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00130000 OPASPS Put American 100 130 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00125000 OPASPS Put American 100 125 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00120000 OPASPS Put American 100 120 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00115000 OPASPS Put American 100 115 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00110000 OPASPS Put American 100 110 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00105000 OPASPS Put American 100 105 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00200000 OCASPS Call American 100 200 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00195000 OCASPS Call American 100 195 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00190000 OCASPS Call American 100 190 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00185000 OCASPS Call American 100 185 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00180000 OCASPS Call American 100 180 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00175000 OCASPS Call American 100 175 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00170000 OCASPS Call American 100 170 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00165000 OCASPS Call American 100 165 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00160000 OCASPS Call American 100 160 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00155000 OCASPS Call American 100 155 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00150000 OCASPS Call American 100 150 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00145000 OCASPS Call American 100 145 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00140000 OCASPS Call American 100 140 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00135000 OCASPS Call American 100 135 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00130000 OCASPS Call American 100 130 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00125000 OCASPS Call American 100 125 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00120000 OCASPS Call American 100 120 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00115000 OCASPS Call American 100 115 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00110000 OCASPS Call American 100 110 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00105000 OCASPS Call American 100 105 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230915C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2023-09-15
O:SRE230818P00200000 OPASPS Put American 100 200 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00195000 OPASPS Put American 100 195 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00190000 OPASPS Put American 100 190 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00185000 OPASPS Put American 100 185 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00180000 OPASPS Put American 100 180 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00175000 OPASPS Put American 100 175 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00170000 OPASPS Put American 100 170 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00165000 OPASPS Put American 100 165 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00160000 OPASPS Put American 100 160 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00155000 OPASPS Put American 100 155 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00150000 OPASPS Put American 100 150 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00145000 OPASPS Put American 100 145 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00140000 OPASPS Put American 100 140 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00135000 OPASPS Put American 100 135 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00130000 OPASPS Put American 100 130 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00125000 OPASPS Put American 100 125 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00120000 OPASPS Put American 100 120 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00115000 OPASPS Put American 100 115 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00110000 OPASPS Put American 100 110 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00105000 OPASPS Put American 100 105 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00100000 OPASPS Put American 100 100 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00095000 OPASPS Put American 100 95 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818P00090000 OPASPS Put American 100 90 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00200000 OCASPS Call American 100 200 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00195000 OCASPS Call American 100 195 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00190000 OCASPS Call American 100 190 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00185000 OCASPS Call American 100 185 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00180000 OCASPS Call American 100 180 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00175000 OCASPS Call American 100 175 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00170000 OCASPS Call American 100 170 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00165000 OCASPS Call American 100 165 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00160000 OCASPS Call American 100 160 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00155000 OCASPS Call American 100 155 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00150000 OCASPS Call American 100 150 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00145000 OCASPS Call American 100 145 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00140000 OCASPS Call American 100 140 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00135000 OCASPS Call American 100 135 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00130000 OCASPS Call American 100 130 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00125000 OCASPS Call American 100 125 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00120000 OCASPS Call American 100 120 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00115000 OCASPS Call American 100 115 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00110000 OCASPS Call American 100 110 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00105000 OCASPS Call American 100 105 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00100000 OCASPS Call American 100 100 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00095000 OCASPS Call American 100 95 BATO 2023-08-18
O:SRE230818C00090000 OCASPS Call American 100 90 BATO 2023-08-18
Flux d'actualités
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Sempra announced that its board of directors has declared a quarterly dividend on the company's common stock and a semi-annual dividend on its preferred stock.
Benzinga • Il y a 3 jours
News Sempra Energy
BMO Capital Markets reduced its price target for Sempra Energy (NYSE:SRE) shares from $86 to $84, citing an anticipated year-over-year earnings decline in the second quarter of 2024 due to lower tax benefits and regulatory awards at Southern California Gas and a net lower contribution from Sempra Infrastructure Partners. • Il y a 2 mois
News Long Ideas
During times of turbulence and uncertainty in the markets, many investors turn to dividend-yielding stocks. These are often companies that have high free cash flows and reward shareholders with a high dividend payout. Benzinga readers can review the latest analyst takes on their favorite stocks by visiting our Analyst Stock Ratings page. Traders can sort through Benzinga's extensive database of analyst ratings, including by analyst accuracy . Below are the ratings of the most accurate analysts for three high-yielding stocks in the utilities sector. NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NEE) Dividend Yield: 3.29% Wells Fargo analyst Michael Blum maintained an Overweight rating and raised the price target from $84 to ...
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The traditional ways to plan for your retirement may mean income can no longer cover expenses post-employment. But what if there was another option that could provide a steady, reliable source of income in your nest egg years?
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stocks News
Entergy (ETR) makes a strong case for investment in the utility space with its systematic investments, strong ROE and stable dividend.
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Entergy (ETR) makes a strong case for investment in the utility space with its systematic investments, strong ROE and stable dividend.
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stocks News
Dividends are one of the best benefits to being a shareholder, but finding a great dividend stock is no easy task. Does Sempra (SRE) have what it takes? Let's find out.
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Dividends are one of the best benefits to being a shareholder, but finding a great dividend stock is no easy task. Does Sempra (SRE) have what it takes? Let's find out.
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Sempra Energy (SRE) makes a strong case for investment in the utility space with its systematic investments, strong ROE and stable dividend.
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Atmos Energy, American Water Works, Sempra and Consolidated Water are included in this Analyst Blog.
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